VidJuice UniTube offers a speedy and convenient service by allowing you to download your favorite playlists from streaming websites, such as YT, Vimeo, Lynda, and more, saving you the hassle of downloading individual videos one at a time.
The step-by-step guide below shows you how to download a video playlist, which is the same process across all streaming sites.
1. On your computer, install and launch the VidJuice UniTube.
2. Open the streaming website, select your desired channel or audio playlist, then copy the URL.
3. In the VidJuice UniTube window, choose the " Preferences " option from the menu, then select the desired output format and quality for the playlist to be downloaded.
4. Then paste the URL link by clicking ‘ Download Playlist ’.
5. Once VidJuice has analyzed the URL link, a list of videos or audios in the playlist will be displayed in a pop-up window.
Every video in the playlist is automatically selected for download by default, but you can uncheck the videos or audios you don’t wish to download.
You will have the option to select which output format you desire to download as well. Then, begin the downloading process by simply clicking ‘ Download ’.
In order to download playlist unlimited, we suggest to buy a program license and you will be able to downloed playlist in one click. Know more about the licenses price of VidJuice UniTube >>
6. The remaining download time and further processing information for the selected videos in the playlist will be indicated by the progress bar.
You can pause or resume the downloading process by clicking ‘ Pause All ’ or ‘ Resume All ’ at the bottom right of the interface.
7. All downloaded videos or audios will be located in your selected file location path once the downloading process has finished.
You will also be able to view and expand all the downloaded videos or audios from the playlist in the ‘ Finished ’ tab.